Current goal: Better Content Curation ($1000/month)
$736/$1000 (74%)

About the Procedural Death Jam

Procedural Death Jam is a 7-day game jam benefitting OpenGameArt’s recent Patreon campaign. The theme is "Procedural Death Labyrinth," a new way of describing games like FTL, Spelunky, Coin Crypt, The Binding of Isaac, etc, that’s less awkward than "Rogue-Like-LIKE" or "Rogue-LITE." You might have seen it trending on Steam Tags

You can read more about the "PDL" moniker, learn about the rules, get answers to your questions, or submit your game!

The jam will start on Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 00:00 Greenwich Mean Time, and run until Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 23:59.

Where to Find Us

  • The on
  • IRC: #ProceduralDeathJam on

Check out the 7-day Roguelike Challenge!

The Procedural Death Jam is being run concurrently with the .  Many PDJ entries will also be eligible to be 7DRL enrties, so we encourage you to check out their rules and submit your game there if it fits.  The 7drl community is active all year, so if you like roguelikes (and we know you do) be sure to check out their forum as well.

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